Are you a jigsaw puzzle fan?
Mensans are usually not satisfied by the ordinary, so we have taken the conventional jigsaw and upped the difficulty factor by making it double-sided.
Yes, you have heard it right. A double-sided jigsaw puzzle to challenge your mind!
To top it off, we have two designs available for you to choose from.
The 336 piece, 12″ x 18″ puzzles have images of the Singapore skyline photographed by our own President, Patrick.
The first design has a 10 year old night skyline on one side and the present night skyline on the other, both from slightly different vantage points. The second, and easier one has a day and night view of the same skyline.
So are you up to the challenge? (click on the picture below to enlarge)
For now, these jigsaw puzzles are custom made for Mensa Singapore members and will not be on sale for the general public. (Of course, you can order extra sets and give a unique gift to family and friends).
Order now at only $49 per puzzle (inclusive of local shipping).
The specifications of the puzzles are :
– Printing: Full Color, Double Sided
– Material: Grade A – 1.2mm Cardboard
– Puzzle Size: 12x18in — 336 pieces
– Packaging: Puzzle Box (approx 8x6x1.5in)
Deliveries will start from the first week of April. Please make payment using the instructions below after you have completed
the order form.
Payment Instructions
1) Electronic Funds Transfer
Transfer the amount payable to Mensa Singapore (DBS Bank Current Account Number: 004-020945-1, Branch: Parkway Parade, Branch Number: 004) using your preferred method of Electronic Funds Transfer (e.g. Internet/Mobile Banking, ATM, etc). If you are using Internet Banking, please key in your name/initials and membership number under your description or remarks field of in your Internet Banking transfer form. If you are using an ATM, please retain your receipt of transaction for reference.
2) Cheque
Please mail your cheque to the Mensa office and write your name, membership number and “jigsaw pre-orders” behind the cheque.
3) Credit card or paypal.
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