The annual Asian Mensa gathering is taking place on 6-8 September 2013.
For the first time, Singapore will be hosting the event in Hotel Re!. The theme this year is “Celebrating Diversity, Connecting Minds, Embracing People”.
Come and meet Mensans from more than 10 participating countries and 12 nationalities without the need to travel overseas. Mensa countries participating this year includes Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, and USA.
There are various options available for our Mensa Singapore members who are interested.
You may sign up for the full 2-day event, come for the interesting talks with speakers of various professional fields, attend the exciting gala dinner with lightsaber and DJ party, or sign up for both the seminar and dinner at a special price.
We recommend participants to join the Full Programme as there will be more interactions on 6 September where you will meet new friends from all over the world.
Also, if you would like to join in for some of the side events that are taking place outside of the main programme, you are more than welcomed as well.
For more details, please visit the official Asian Mensan Gathering 2013 website.